Capital grants and collaborations with other institutions.

  • Collaborations:

Funding received from the AVI (Agència Valenciana de la Innovació):
  • TITLE: Generación de soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras basadas en herramientas IA de análisis biométrico, biomecánico e imagen médica, para la prevención de la fragilidad, su identificación temprana y control, así como la definición de nuevas intervenciones personalizadas en entornos extrahospitalarios.
  • REFERENCE: INNTA3/2020/22.
  • PROGRAME: Consolidación de la cadena de valor empresarial.
  • DURATION: Octubre 2022 – Diciembre 2024.
Summary: Tesoro Imaging S.L. in collaboration with Hervideros de Cofrentes S.L. and Hearts Radiant S.L., through a project funded by the Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI), the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), has broken into the development of technological solutions to improve the diagnosis and prevention of frailty through the use of biometrics, biomechanics and medical imaging technology, normally inaccessible outside the hospital environment. These tools will make it possible to detect early indicators of neuromuscular aging and provide personalized interventions based on each individual’s specific risk. By combining structural tissue information with functional and biometric data, the project aims not only to improve the ability to identify biomarkers of frailty, but also to promote healthy, accessible and preventive aging for the general population.
“Action eligible for co-financing by the European Union”.


    • Funding received from the AVI (Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación):
      • REFERENCE: INNTA3/2020/22.
      • PROGRAMME: Consolidación de la cadena de valor empresarial.
      • DURATION: October 2022 – December 2024.

Summary: The main objective of this research project is to expand the current knowledge on biomarkers triggering musculoskeletal frailty, in early stages and in non-specialised out-of-hospital settings. To achieve this objective, this project will employ and adapt the simultaneous use of three innovative technologies: heterogeneous biometric and biomechanical technology, low-field Portable MRI Experimental Technology and the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence applied to health diagnosis. 

The development of this project aims to promote the generation of unprecedented knowledge in the analysis and clinical evaluation of the elderly, more specifically the so-called precision medicine, thanks to the definition of new biomarkers defining the ageing process of each person. The combination of organic information on the state of neuromuscular tissues through portable MRI systems, together with functional, biomechanical and biometric information on individuals, will mean a paradigm shift in the diagnosis of the clinical pictures typical of human ageing, as well as making it possible to create new intervention strategies capable of reducing the probability of the appearance of fragility and promoting healthy ageing.

                 Funding received from the AVI (Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación):

      • REFERENCE: INNTA3/2020/22 
      • PROGRAMME: Promoción del talento
      • ACTION LINE: L3. Doctorandos empresariales (Innodoctor).

Summary: The objective of the project presented in the grant INNTA3/2021/17 consists on the parallel development of new techniques and protocols that lead to the optimization of the scanning times required to obtain dental medical images using low-cost Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners, as well as the increased spatial resolution capacity and diagnostic power.

1) Debugging and characterization of two sequences originally conceived and patented by the team, DiSLoP (Direct Spin-Locked PETRA) and PreSloP (Preserved Spin-Locked PETRA).

2) Theoretical study about the theory of slice formation through spin-locking dynamics instead of the classical protocols of selective excitation in magnetic resonance.

3) Characterization of the coherence time during spin-locking (T1rho) as a function of the intensity of the radiofrequency field B1 for different samples (long, short and ultrashort T2)

4) Test the performance of DiSLoP and PreSLOP using phantoms with short (around 1 ms) and extremely short (< 500 microseconds) T2.

5) Comparison of 3D PETRA VS 2D-PreSLoP and 2D-DiSLoP on ex vivo hard biological tissues, such as a piece of bovine femur and horse tooth. Evidence of the SNR boost per time unit of the patented sequences compared to 3D PETRA.

6) Demonstration of the feasibility of applying 2D-PreSLoP even for samples combined with long T2 tissues (75 ms) and ultrashort T2 tissues (550 us). This result directly proves the possibility of obtaining high-resolution 2D images (0.5 mm^2) by means in vivo dental MRI with contrast respect to the gum and enough SNR for a reliable diagnosis in times of 15 minutes even in a low field regime (B0=0.26 T).

    • Funding received from the AVI (Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación):
      • REFERENCE: INNTA3/2021/17
      • PROGRAMME: Promoción del talento
      • ACTION LINE: L3. Doctorandos empresariales (Innodocto)
    •  Funding received under the the FETOPEN (H2020) program 2016 from the European Commission
      • Scope: In situ imaging of living tissues with cellular spatial resolution (Histo-MRI)
      • Resolution: November 2016.
      • Duration: 3 years.
    • Funding received under the «Retos-Colaboración» Programme from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
      • Scope: Development of Compact Clinic Equipment for Dental Magnetic Resonance.
      • Resolution: November 19th, 2014.
      • Duration: 3 years